Friends of Olney Infant Academy

What is FoOIA?

Friends of Olney Infant Academy is the parent teacher association for Olney Infant Academy. FoOIA has a long history of active fundraising, generating thousands of pounds each year to provide a wide variety of complementary equipment and activities for the benefit of every child in the school. FoOIA is a registered charity and qualifies for Gift Aid on donations.

Latest News

You’ll find our latest news and fundraising events on our Facebook page.

Who are FoOIA?

We arrange a wide range of activities and events for children, parents and friends throughout the year with the aim of raising additional funds to buy items that the school would not normally be able to afford due to budget constraints. All profits go directly to the school.

FOOIA aims to support the social and educational development of children at the school. Typically, the money raised supports is used to enhance the school environment and purchase additional equipment. For example, funds support Book Week and Dinosaur day. Over the years we have purchased musical instruments, an audio system, new lighting, updated and enhanced the playground, ICT equipment and classroom resources.

In 2021 we supported a number of projects including buying new tablets and laptops, library books, and book bag books. We have allocated over £7k to be used toward year group trips and experiences and revamping the outdoor area in 2022.

FoOIA support is much appreciated by the school and the funds raised help to make the school an exciting and well-resourced place for our children to learn.

Amazon Smile

We are registered on Amazon Smile which allows you to raise free funds for charity with your everyday shopping on Amazon. It's totally free to do, you just need to pick ‘Friends of Olney Infant Academy’ as your chosen charity, make sure if you use an app the option is turned on, and away you go. Make us Smile every time you shop.

Can you help?

We always need volunteers to help run events or to assist with setting up activities through the committee and we are always looking for support from local businesses. We love to hear ideas for fundraising or ways we could be supporting the school, so please get in touch if you can help in any way.

What’s on this year?

Dress up days…movie nights... school discos...Christmas Concert Digital copies...Christmas cards...Quiz nights...Summer Festival and Theatre tickets so much more!

Contact us

If you are able to lend your support to FoOIA, please email us or leave us a message on our Facebook page.

FoOIA Committee 2019-20

Contact Email:


Cat Cook


Kate Clubb


Gemma Devine


Amy Melling

Class Representatives:

Brown Bears - Nicole
Pandas - Kate
Polar Bears - Amy
Giraffes- Gemma/ Cat
Lions - Laura
Elephants- Fay
Puffins - Flo
Penguins - Laura
Dolphins - Jess